Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Pasadena
Help for Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home abuse is an unacceptable occurrence, violating the rights of the elderly entrusted to the home's care. A Pasadena personal injury lawyer should be contacted immediately if you or a loved one have been the victim of such a situation. An award of damages can compensate you or your loved one for the pain and suffering experienced. It can also help cover any medical bills incurred and afford you the ability to obtain a higher quality of care. Another important point is that it may encourage homes to take better care of their residents.
McGee, Lerer & Associates is serious about protecting the rights of the elderly. In such a vulnerable position, it is vital they have someone fighting on their behalf. In a free consultation, we can review your concerns and help you understand your legal options. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means our fee is taken out of damages won - if you don't get paid, we don't get paid. There are also no upfront costs and all costs are advanced by our firm. We want to ensure you can obtain the legal protection you need, no matter your financial circumstances.
What is considered "abuse" in a nursing home?
Nursing home abuse can take many forms. Some examples include:
- Failing to provide for the necessities of daily living
- Neglect of personal hygiene
- Inadequate measures to prevent such things as dehydration, malnutrition, and bedsores
- An unclean and unsanitary environment
- Hazardous conditions encouraging falls and injuries
- Lack of care for existing medical problems
- Inadequate access to medical care and services
- Over-medicating or failing to provide medication when needed
- Unjustified or unreasonable physical restraint
- Forced confinement in a room or area
- Physical abuse including shaking, pushing, slapping
- Assault and battery
- Sexual assault
If you have observed any of the above, or similar, or suspect such exist, contact our firm immediately. The elderly in these circumstances may be too afraid to speak up and need someone to do so on their behalf.
View our firm's profile at FindaNursingHomeAbuseLawyer.com.
Contact a Pasadena Nursing Home Abuse Attorney for help fighting for the rights of the elderly and pursuing the compensation they deserve.

Why Choose McGee, Lerer & Associates?
What Makes Us Different
We take the time to understand all the unique factors of your case to achieve the best results.
If we are unsuccessful in our efforts to recover your compensation, you owe nothing. Learn more here.
We can be available nights and weekends and come to you at the hospital or at home.
We have 4 offices in Southern California - Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica & Long Beach